

첨단영상대학원 영문소개

관리자 │ 2022-10-21





첨단영상대학원 영문 홈페이지가 수정되면 삭제하겠습니다.


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■ Message

The paradigm of leading economy in the 21st century is shifting from 'resource-base' to 'knowledge-base'. The imaging (multimedia) technology is leading the cultural industry, and result in rising effect to related areas. With the development of the information/communication technology, the era of cultural war without borders has come. In this context, it is urgent to establish a research system that would lead the image (multimedia) industry of the next generation, and to educate creative experts, through an organic combination of information technology and image (multimedia) art.


The Graduate school of Advanced Imaging Science, Multimedia & Film (GSAIM) has 2 independent majors, including 11 detailed majors. Including digital imaging/game engineering, computer graphics/virtual environment, art & technology, film, and animation, majors. There are also multiple related majors that link the fields of art and technology, such as computer special effect image, engineering animation and multimedia design and digital photography.



■ History 

2016. 04; Selection of Korea Governmment 'Phase 3 Brain Korea 21 PLUS project'

(Global Creative Content Professional team), Department of image science and arts, GSAIM

2015.08; Establishment of “Joint Degree Cooperative Course' with China Qingdao University of Science (Approved by Ministry of Education of China)

2014.12; Launched 'TechArt', a specialized international journal

2006.04; Selection of 'Phase 2 BK21' (Korean Digital Image Project Team)

2005.12; Selection of 'Strategic Industrial Innovation Cluster Project'

(Future Contents Convergence Cluster hosted by Seoul Metropolitan City)

1999.08; Established, Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science, Multimedia and Film(GSAIM),

Selection of 'Phase 1 BK21“ 


1)Major in image engineering(영상공학전공)

-digital imaging, -game engineering, -computer graphics/virtual reality, -technology art

2)Major in Film/Multimedia(영상예술전공)

-film studies, -film making/special effects, -film/animation policy, -digital/scientific photography

-animation studies/contents producing, -animation making

Department of image science and arts(영상학과),




■ Educational Objectives 

- Historical background

01. The convergence of media, the era of international cultural war through high-speed communication network.

02. It is important to develop and secure contents based on cultural heritage and artistic sensitivity.

03. Establishment of cooperation system of video production specialist group for video industry is required.

04. Development of technology for high-tech video production and establishment of education system of professional personnel is required.

- Educational Ideology

We will create a creative video based on the dignity and freedom of human beings and the ideology of 'righteousness and truth' of Chung Ang University. We cultivate human resources needed for the 21st century by various and specialized contents and method of developing individual creativity.

- Educational Objectives

Cultivate creative talents that simultaneously understand art and engineering

■ Destroying the border between video specialists and computer professionals who are difficult to sharing the current activity area

■ Promoting creative talents to understand the concept of integration (art + engineering + production), organizing research projects based on goals and group composition

■ A combination of creative video artists and video engineers

■ Researching advanced image technology for improvement of technology's commerciality 

By forcusing on educational convergence of research infrastructures, students will be able to develop creative fusion talents that will enable them to understand engineering technology and artistic sensitivity by breaking away from academic boundaries.

To acquire professional knowledge about the aesthetic, industrial, and socio-cultural values ​​of visual contents, to cultivate an awareness of globalization of Korean visual culture, to solve problems through field-oriented education in which theory and practice, artistic sensitivity and technology are harmonized. We train this excellent practical professional manpower.

- Educational Policy

· Promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration between art and science - Evolution from discovery science to constitutional science

· The master's course has project management ability and the doctoral course has practical ability to create.

· Project-oriented curriculum construction between students and professors-Cross-curricular interdisciplinary curriculum mutual recognition and credit mutual recognition

· Academic learning method, research oriented - adopt problem-solving method

· Actual problem-solving oriented - Constructivist curriculum operation for creating creative new knowledge Adoption of two or three faculty cooperative lectures in omnibus style

· Self-selection, self-design curriculum

· Establishment of on-the-job training system

· Joint or dual degree system with video related departments, institutes of foreign universities

· Establishment of student-centered SOHO study group operating system 

■ Pride of GSAIM

1. The GSAIM of Chung-Ang University is the best graduate school in Korea.

2. The goal of this graduate school is to cultivate talented people in the field of image, build educational and research infrastructure, support globalized governance, and convergence research team.

3. The competence of our graduate school

The integrated education and research model to be combined with art and engineering, which was first attempted in Korea at the time, has been benchmarked internationally, and in 2004 it was selected as the best project team of the specialization for imaging field.


■ Publication of International English Journal

- Journal Title: TechArt: Journal of Arts and Technology

- Open Access, Peer-Review Journal published in February, 2014, published 4 times a year, fee / publication fee / English translation / full online subscription free

- Interdisciplinary convergence in media art, film, animation, and imaging engineering

- Google Scholar, DBPIA listed, ISSN / DOI provided, SCOPUS / JCR

- Available at 'http://www.thetechart.org/'



■ Establishment of joint graduate degree program in advanced video graduate school in Qingdao University of Science and Technology in China

- Approved by Chinese Ministry of Education

- Period: 2016 - 2022 (can be extended after evaluation)

- Maximun No. of Students: 30 students per year

- Degrees offered: Master of Arts (2 years), PhD. of Arts (1 + 3 years)



■ Department of Imaging science and arts

GSAIM is a graduate school for the Arts (film theory, image policy and planning, animation theory, digital / scientific photography, film production, animation production) and imaging science(digital imaging, game engineering, CG / VR, and technology art ).


1. Major in Image Engineering

1.1. Digital Imaging(디지털 이미징)

We study 3-D imaging, digital image processing and recognition technology, and augmented reality technology, which are real-world implementation technology in cyber world. In this advanced digital imaging technology, synthesis of real world and virtual world, analysis of 3D robot visual system, intelligent image model, realistic visual system, analysis of 3D robot visual system, intelligent image model, realistic visual system, 3 Dimensional virtual environment construction.

- Intelligent Systems Laboratory (Prof. Paik Jun Ki): https://ipis.cau.ac.kr

- Computer Vision and Media Lab (Prof. Hong Hyun Ki): https://sites.google.com/view/cvandar Go

- Intelligent Information Processing Lab. (Prof. Kim Young Bin): https://sites.google.com/view/iiplcau


1.2. Game Engineering(게임공학)

We study the production and use of intelligent and efficient game contents by applying advanced interactive techniques. The information, entertainment and arts of contents through researches such as improvement of production environment of multimedia and game contents, interface enabling creative interaction, intelligent response of contents, efficient use of contents through network, watermarking for information protection and information protection technology. We study to be able to implement element actively and effectively.

- Game Technology and Smart Interaction (pro.Kim Tae-yong): https://cau-sigt.blogspot.kr

- Computer Game / CT Laboratory (pro. Lee Won-hyung): http://blog.naver.com/cauctlab


1.3. CG / VR (Computer Graphics / virtual reality)

We are trying to develop competent manpower to develop new expression rider and environment and to develop advanced application through various studies such as 2D and 3D image, modeling, rendering, and animation. In computer graphics, we develop a global illumination model and image-based graphics technology, which are essential for expressing photo-realistic scenes commonly found in movies, animations, and so on. And real-time rendering technology using GPU is implemented and actively used in game and interactive media. 9 Virtual environments refer to synthetic environments including haptic and interaction. In other words, it creates an artificial environment using computers and other devices that exist or do not exist. These virtual environments are used to artificially create environments that are difficult to actually work or practice, such as a driving simulation field, a medical field such as a simulation exercise machine, and an entertainment field such as entertainment.

- Virtual Environment Lab (Chae Young Ho): http://blog.naver.com/velab

- Motion Graphics Laboratory (Park Kyung-ju): http://graphics.cau.ac.kr


1.4. Technology Art(예술공학)

Art engineering aims at creation and application of contents using digital media. Philosophy and literature in the digital era to produce new discourses and outcomes (works for exhibition and performances, and environmental sculptures) in the era of digital media. Students will study interactive media art and application technologies based on digital media. Researches and implements art works, media facade, projection mapping, 4D performance, digital entertainment, 3D image system using characteristics and merits of digital image technology and creates high-tech media objects such as kinetic medium object. In addition, we will test the possibilities of utilizing all digital media by planning and producing master plan of digital environment artworks.

- DATA+ Lab. (Prof. Kim Hyung Gi): www.datapluslab.com

- Future Media Art Lab (FMA) (Prof. Park Jin-wan): fma.cau.ac.kr



2. MAJOR IN Film/Multimedia

2.1 Film Studies(영화이론)

The course focuses on the theoretical basis for the development and utilization of visual media through in-depth academic research on films such as film criticism, film analysis, media criticism, narrative research, and film history.

- Major in Film and Cinema: www.caufilm.com


2.2 Film & Animation Policy(영상정책 및 기획)

Cebu aims to nurture specialists in policy, planning, administration, and management related to video content (movies, animation, games, etc.) industry based on professional knowledge of video. In order to cultivate creative talents with an understanding of culture and art and an understanding of the video industry, we focus on learning video theory and practical skills through organic connections with the field.

- Major in Film and Cinema: www.caufilm.com

2.3. Film Making/special effects(영화제작)

The course is divided into detailed courses such as directing, screenplay, shooting, editing, production and sound, and the entire process from shooting to color correction is implemented as an HD digital system. And short film production to focus on cultivating professional film-makers.

- Major in Film and Cinema: www.caufilm.com


2.4. Special Effects for Image Contents (영상특수효과제작)

As the digital and computer technology develops rapidly, the video special effects that are widely applied to various image contents are not only required to research and develop the technology related to the special effect and to nurture the research personnel, It is urgently required to cultivate artists who can sublimate. Therefore, the Special Effects Production Specialization focuses on cultivating creative image arts manpower that understands the technical field of the image and can fully utilize it in the creation of the artwork.

- Department of Visual Arts Special Effects: www.caufilm.com


2.5. Digital / Scientific Photography(디지털/과학사진)

Based on the theoretical and practical facts of science photography and digital photography that have been used for the evaluation, analysis and measurement of objects beyond the limits of human beings in the fields of Imaging Science and Photographic Technology, Challenge applicability. Especially, we extend the scope of research to every place where the role of image is required by overtaking the part which has been thought to be the unique area of ​​ the photograph until now. Basically, the project is centered on the projects linked to industry-academy, and covers special images such as 3D, super-fast, medical,

- Digital / Science Photography Laboratory (Ha Dong-hwan): www.imagescience.net


2.6. Animation studies/ Contents producing(애니메이션 이론/디지털콘텐츠)

As a visual art, majoring in academic research on the aesthetic, artistic, industrial, and rudimentary value of animation contents. Animation theory course that studies animation history, directing theory, criticism and technology. Contents producing courses are about funding, scheduling and planning related to contents marketing.

Animation Department : www.cauanimation.com


2.7 Animation / Digital Content Creation (애니메이션/디지털콘텐츠 제작)

The course focuses on 2D, 3D animation, stop-motion production and new content such as AR, VR. In addition, it focuses on producing creative contents in harmony with art and technology in connection with Digital Imaging.

Animation Department : www.cauanimation.com 





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