

AI/CV 전문가 초청 세미나 (4/15)

관리자 │ 2024-04-09

Poster_Research Talk-Weisi Lin.jpg



2024년 4월 15일 월요일 인공지능/영상처리 해외석학 초청 세미나를 개최합니다.

  • 일시: 4월 15일 (월) 오전 11시
  • 장소: 310관 904호
  • 강연자: Prof. Weisi Lin (Professor in CSE, NTU, Singapore; IEEE Fellow)
  • 발표제목Visual Computing Enabled by Formulation of Just-Noticeable Differences
  • 발표내용Just-Noticeable Difference (JND) refers to the minimum change of signals, be they naturally captured or AI-generated, to be sensed by users (be they humans, machines, or both). The JND formulation can be part of the solution to tackle big data received with limited resources available, as the prerequisite for user-centric, and/or green systems, in terms of computation, bandwidth, storage space, energy/battery usage, device cost/size, and environmental constraints. In this talk, a systematic overview will be first presented on visual JND models, because majority of research in the community so far has been for images and video.  Then, the related research and applications up to date are to be reviewed, from conventionally handcrafted approaches to data-driven ones, with different types of users.  Finally, possible future opportunities for JND modelling are to be discussed, inclusive of visual signal reconstruction, image synthesis, graphic rendering, generative AI, extension toward comprehensive multimedia (to audio, smell and haptic/thermal signals), cross-modality efforts, and so on.

이전글 2024년 1학기 영상예술학전공 콜로키엄 특강 라인업 소개
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