
Scholarship Programs

CAU Outstanding Talent Scholarship

CAU Leader or Scientific Leader Scholarships will be awarded to admitted master's students as follows.

  • Eligibility : Students who have passed the CAU Leader or Science Leader entrance examination and have been admitted to the master's program as a CAU Leader or Science Leader scholar for all four years of undergraduate study.
  • Continued through the fourth semester of graduate school with a 4.0 or higher GPA
  • Scholarship amount : Full tuition waiver (admission and tuition) and monthly research support (300,000 won)
  • Others : ull-time students must submit at least one publication as lead author or corresponding author in a journal ranked (candidate) or higher (JCR in engineering) before graduation and cannot graduate if not submitted.
Merit Scholarships

Procedure : Students who meet the conditions apply for scholarship → Steering Committee deliberation, selection

Scholarship Name Payout criteria Scholarship Amount
Merit Scholarship
Full-time freshmen with strong academic and research credentials (regular admission only) Full tuition
(4th semester,
excluding tuition)
Grading Criteria



Master's Grades
Engineering (including Arts and Sciences) 3.0 or later 3.0 or later 3.0 or later
※ Doctoral program : Master's degree from a general or specialized graduate school
4th Semester Continuation Payment if you maintain a 3.5 or higher GPA
Master's : 1 publication (with acceptance) by yourself or in collaboration with your advisor before graduation, failure to fulfill will result in non-graduation.
PhD : One publication as lead author or corresponding author before graduation (including acceptance), failure to fulfill will result in graduation, separate from publication of thesis as a condition for graduation.
affiliation Publication Terms
Masters PhD
Arts & Sciences JCR JCR
Engineering JCR JCR
Merit Scholarship
Current students with excellent academic performance and research (practical) activities (general admission only) 6,000,000 won
4,000,000 won
2,000,000 won
(Sliding Scale)
Grading Criteria
Separate Master of Arts/Master of Production PhD
Master's Grades
Student Prior semester GPA of 3.5 or higher
M.A. in Production : Presentation of achievements (international exhibition or theater opening, etc.) recognized by the major evaluation committee before graduation, failure to fulfill will result in non-graduation.
Talent Scholarships

In order to strengthen research capabilities through excellent human resources and utilize research assistants, the remaining amount after the scholarship for academic excellence is paid as a scholarship for excellent human resources.

  • Selection target and method : Students with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in the previous semester and excellent research ability are selected by the recommendation of the major professor and department chair.
  • Scholarship Amount : To be determined by the Steering Committee based on the remaining amount of the merit scholarship.
  • Number of participants : The number of participants will be determined by the Steering Committee according to the remaining amount of merit scholarships.
  • Payment method : In principle, the fee is reduced, but in the case of the original registrant, the certificate can be refunded.
Special Scholarships

Direct scholarships, affiliated scholarships

Direct Scholarship
  • Eligibility : Scholarships are available to faculty and staff of the university, employees of corporations, retired or honorary retirees, and those who have worked for more than 15 years and have retired innocently or fraudulently.
  • Maintain a 3.0 or higher each semester while in graduate school
  • Paid by the fourth semester
  • Scholarship Amount : You and your child - full tuition (excluding entrance fee)
  • Application documents : Certificate of employment (experience) at the university/resident registration card
Affiliate Scholarships
  • Eligibility : Scholarships are available to employees who have been working under Chung-Ang University for at least five years, their spouses, and one of their immediate children.
  • Maintain a 3.0 or higher each semester while in graduate school
  • Paid by the fourth semester
  • Scholarship Amount : Self - no more than 50% of tuition (excluding admission fee), spouse and children - 25% of tuition (excluding admission fee)
  • Application documents : Employment certificate of affiliated organization/resident registration certificate
BK Scholarship
  • Who : Full-time students of Korean nationality
  • Selection Procedure :Apply for BK participation at the beginning of the semester > Documents > Deliberation > Application
  • Scholarship Period : March-August (6 months) in the first half of the year, September-February (6 months) in the second half of the year
  • Activities : Active participation in lectures, research conferences, presentations, and other events held by the BK Business Unit and submission of papers to the online academic journal MINT
  • Scholarship size : Master's KRW 600,000, Doctoral KRW 960,000 per semester
  • Note : Scholars are required to acknowledge in the end credits that the work they completed during the period was produced as part of the BK Initiative support project, and the Initiative may provide a small stipend if the work is invited to or wins an international film festival.
BK CFT Scholarship
  • Apply and participate in the CFT Convergence Project led by BK Business Unit
  • Opportunities to plan, develop, and deliver projects that combine video and its adjacent disciplines to meet business objectives
  • pply for a project and, if selected, receive support for implementation costs associated with the project (up to KRW 20 million per team, KRW 420 per student for masters and KRW 780 for PhD)

※ Additional national scholarships are available for students participating in BK initiatives

OTT Major Scholars
  • Korean national students enrolled in the Visual Arts - 'OTT-Content Planning/Policy/Business' major
  • Selection Process : Decided upon admission
  • Duration of scholarship : Up to 4 semesters until completion
  • Scholarship size : sliding scale based on tenure and previous semester GPA
  • Requirements : Complete at least 6 credits of OTT specialization courses each semester; not take a leave of absence, withdraw, or transfer during the semester; meet minimum mandatory requirements (project or research) as negotiated with advisor each semester
OTT Track Scholars
  • Students of Korean nationality enrolled in the following majors: 'Realistic Media/Animation Contents', 'Special Effects', 'Film and Video Theory' and 'Film and Video Production'
  • Selection Procedure : A small number of students per major are selected based on the recommendation of each major advisor at the time of admission.
  • Duration of scholarship : Up to 4 semesters until completion
  • Scholarship size : sliding scale based on tenure and previous semester GPA
  • Mandatory : Complete at least 6 credits of OTT specialization courses each semester, no mid-semester leaves of absence, expulsions, or transfers, and meet a minimum mandatory requirement (project or research) negotiated with your advisor each semester.
Separator OTT Major & Track Scholars Tuition Deduction Criteria Maximum tuition deduction (%)
Prerequisite Previous semester
Complete at least 6 credits of OTT specialization courses each semester & meet minimum
project/research requirements
A or
B+ or
Full-time student O O 100
O O 80
Worker O O 70
O O 50